Latin American and Hispanic Internal Support Network (LAH-ISN)


The Toronto Police Service Public Safety Data Portal is intended to improve the understanding of policing, improve transparency and enhance confidence through the creation and use of open data for public safety in Toronto.

The Public Safety Data Portal makes available, raw event data from incidents which have been reported to and/or investigated by the Toronto Police Service. For privacy reasons, this data does not include personal information (such as names, addresses, etc.) but does include information such as the type of incident, date, time, nearest intersection, etc.

Open data from events leading up to December 31 of the previous calendar year is available for download. Open data from January 1 of the current calendar year is not available for download but can be viewed through a suite of online tools and interactive maps.

Below are just a few of the tools available through this portal.

For more information, please visit

Open Datasets (Year End)


Visit this page to view and download raw datasets leading up to December 31 of the previous calendar year. Downloadable datasets include categories such as reported crime, traffic incidents, etc.

Data Analytics Dashboards (Year-to-Date, Year End)

Visit this page to view and/or download open datasets through a series of interactive dashboards which you can use to graph statistical data and trends with a variety of filters.
Toronto Police Maps (Year-to-Date, Year End)

Visit this page to view open datasets through a series of searchable interactive maps which you can use to filter events by the type of incident, date, location, etc. Featured maps include the Year-to-Date Crime App (which maps the locations of events reported up to the previous day) and the Community Asset Portal (which maps the locations of social services such as shelters, community resource navigators, mental health and youth support services).
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