Latin American and Hispanic Internal Support Network (LAH-ISN)


Latin American and Hispanic Internal Support Network (LAH-ISN)

Our Vision

Cultivate remarkable relationships grounded in trust and respect between law enforcement and communities.

Meet Our Team

SGT.Nelson Santizo

SGT. Nelson Santizo


PC Richard Rand

Civ. Jenniffer Quintero Arias

Communications Lead

PC Erick Moran

Civ. Juana Munoz

Events Lead

Civ. Jenniffer Quintero Arias

PC Maurizio Ceresoli


Our Mission

Empower members, communities and partners to create a supportive, open and transformative environment that embraces all lived experiences. 

LAH Representation

City of Toronto Mother Tongue - Spanish 2016

City of Toronto Mother Tongue - Spanish 2016

Summary of the Map:

The map shows the mother tongue for the total population excluding institutional residents Spanish language by Census Tract for the City of Toronto. There is a high concentration of Spanish mother

tongue in the western half of the city, with the highest concentrations being near Jane St and Finch Ave W and Keele St and Lawrence Ave W.

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